History of the Almaty Hotel

The Almaty hotel began to be built in 1962, and completed in 1967.
Eight-story building, design capacity - 520 seats.

Someone compares it to the broken ridge of the Zailiysky Alatau, someone sees the bend of the bow directed towards the mountains.
The facade creates an expressive and dynamic nature of the structure, cut by ribbons of windows and volumes of loggias, alternating shadows and light areas, accented with rich blue.

Quote from the book of the former musician of the ensemble «Dos-Mukasan» Arsen Bayanov

“He was a very large person in a moral, psychological, moral sense, his name was known throughout the country. He was as fair and objective as possible, very accessible and close to his colleagues and employees, whether he was a plumber or a cleaner, he knew them all by sight, by name. ”

After the war, a crew of shipbuilders named after Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev was created in the GDR. In the 70s, members of this brigade came to the Almaty hotel to find out who this legendary man was, whose name their collective bears.

I won among four candidates, each presented his own hotel modernization program, but mine turned out to be the best, because I knew the hotel better than anyone else. It was difficult at that time. There were no material resources. There was money, but nothing can be bought for it, everything is funded. Even, excuse me, they received toilet paper according to the order, ”recalls Alexander Ivanovich.

In Soviet times, a suite in Almaty cost 7 rubles 20 kopecks, an ordinary double - 4 rubles. Single - 3.50. Now the cost of rooms in Almaty varies from 26,000 (single) to 70,000 (lux).